"I have applied Global Intelligence, a fusion of twenty one primary Disciplinary Intelligences-and especially the Biological-Genetic Intelligence of Biological-Genetic studies, to the worldwide problems of increasing atmospheric carbonization and decreasing anthropogenic food production. I offer a way to use synthetic photosynthesis to help solve both problems. I have invented a mobile synthetic photosynthesis device which a human individual can wear that: subtracts carbon, adds oxygen, and makes a simple sugar-based food. The device-the SynPhotoSyn-includes: 1 an artificial chloroplast with a Magnesium (Mg) molecular core, artificial rubisco, and graphemes template; 2 a water storage pak; 3 a light emission source drawing directly on sunlight or indirectly on a solar battery; 4 a mini electromagnetic motor for infusing CO2 and H2O, and for diffusing O2, and for pumping the liquid carbohydrate and oxygen through thin tubes to the nose (O2) and mouth (CH complex); 5 a silicon microchip for imitating the five stage natural photosynthetic process [C4 or C3-C4]; and 6 a sterile sac for the sugar product. The whole apparatus can be fit almost flat on the back of the person.
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